John Marsi has lived in Dudley for almost 25 years, has 2 kids who attended Dudley Charlton schools (one still attending), and is a parishioner at St. Anthony of Padua Church. He is a degreed Chemical Engineer and has over 25 years of business management, budgeting, and leadership experience. John is active in his community, serving in his first term as State Representative, 12 years (4 terms) on the Dudley Board of Selectmen (3 years as Chairman, 7 years as Vice Chairman).
Proven Experience Matters
1. Public Safety
I unapologetically support our First Responders and will continue to work to ensure they are properly funded and equipped. Residents of the 6th Worcester district deserve to feel safe and secure in their homes and businesses.
2. Affordability
Economic development is the lifeblood of new revenue growth for the district. To ensure the 6th Worcester District is the best place to live, work, and raise a family, we must create and maintain a business-friendly environment. I will always support innovative ways to bring new revenue into our municipalities to support our operations and keep where we live affordable. Furthermore, I will always fight to get the most local aid for our communities in the 6th Worcester District.
3. Education
There is no greater investment than in the next generation of our community, commonwealth, and nation. As someone who attended public school and as a father of kids who attend public schools, I will always advocate for every dollar that our districts can receive.