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I unapologetically support our First Responders and will continue to work to ensure they are properly funded and equipped. Residents of the 6th Worcester district deserve to feel safe and secure in their homes and businesses.

  1. Defending Your Rights — As out-of-touch politicians in Boston seek to strip you of Constitutionally-protected rights, I will always be a voice for reason and common sense.

  2. Supporting Our Law Enforcement Officers — As a Selectman, Dudley public safety officers always knew I had their back. By investing in our local departments through ensuring they have the equipment and training they need, we can expect them to serve our communities to the best of their ability.

  3. Fighting For Public Infrastructure — Critical to public safety, our roads and bridges in the district need further investment. As State Representative, I will always advocate for funding for public infrastructure projects.


Economic development is the lifeblood of new revenue growth for the district. To ensure the 6th Worcester District is the best place to live, work, and raise a family, we must create and maintain a business-friendly environment. I will always support innovative ways to bring new revenue into our municipalities to support our operations and keep where we live affordably. Furthermore, I will always fight to get the most local aid for our communities in the 6th Worcester District.

  1. Responsible Spending — To avoid increased taxes and misusing your hard-earned tax dollars, I will be a fighter for responsible spending and ensure there is transparency in all votes, especially those that include appropriations.

  2. Keeping Taxes Low — Every week, roughly 1,100 people leave the Commonwealth of Massachusetts due to affordability. This reality must stop and requires our elected officials to lessen the tax burden on their constituents. I will always advocate for lower taxes as a means of making Massachusetts more affordable for hard-working men and women like you.

  3. Support Our Seniors & Veterans — Between our Veterans and Seniors, there is a critical importance for promoting affordability in our community and across Massachusetts. Seniors and Veterans are often disproportionately affected by property tax increases and inflation, thus making responsible spending and lowering taxes increasingly more important.

  4. Address Migrant Issue — With the ongoing migrant issue, there is a critical need for leadership in the Commonwealth. Migrants are currently here without a plan to house them or pay for associated resources. In turn, by spending money on migrants, Massachusetts diverts resources away from many in our communities that already need our assistance. As a father and direct descendant of immigrants, like many of you, I understand the severity of the situation, hence making a solution all the more critical.


There is no greater investment than in the next generation of our community, commonwealth, and nation. As someone who attended public school and as a father of kids who attend public schools, I will always advocate for every dollar that our districts can receive.

  • Fight Unfunded State Mandates — With politicians in Boston determining school policy in the 6th Worcester District, there can often be a disconnect, leading to poor outcomes for our students. I will fight against unfunded state mandates that hurt our school districts, especially regional school districts, which have to ask more of their member towns.  Yearly tax overrides are not sustainable.

  • Reform Chapter 70 Formula — With much of education spending relying on an antiquated model, Chapter 70 must be updated to meet the reality of today. Through negotiation and collaboration, I will be a leading voice on this issue.

  • Special Needs Education — An issue near and dear to my heart, I will always champion special needs education. As State Representative, I will push for increased funding for these programs and transportation that is critical for our students with increased needs and their families.

Please Note: If there is an issue you are concerned about not listed here,

please contact John at

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